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S2RC teams with Magothy River Technologies on successful AFWERX Phase I SBIR

Updated: May 14, 2023

S2RC has partnered with Magothy River Technologies (Prime) on an AFWERX Phase I Open Topic Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) for the development of Software-Defined Anti GPS-Spoofing Enhancement (SAGE). SAGE is a Tactical Awareness Kit (TAK) and Android Tactical Awareness Kit (ATAK) plugin that identifies malicious GPS data using the USAF’s currently fielded and issued End User Devices (EUDs)’ Internal Measurement Unit (IMU) and Digital Magnetic Compass (DMC). The suspected malicious data is then discarded by SAGE and the user is notified of a compromised GPS environment. This will prevent a myriad of critical issues ranging from navigation errors to fratricide.

Example of an interactive ATAK HTML UI Prototype used to source feedback developed by S2RC.

S2RC is providing our expertise in Human Systems Engineering, UX Design , UI Development, and Field Operations Support for this initiative. In collaboration with Magothy River Technologies, S2RC contributed to their proposal under our teaming agreement and successfully procured letters of support from DoD end users for the project.

If you are interested in partnering with S2RC and leveraging our comprehensive range of services, we are more than happy to join your team, either as a support or lead in proposal development. To get in touch with us, please reach out to our SAGE lead, Richard Stone, at, or contact the S2RC team directly at

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